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October Arizona Family Law Newsletter – Halloween Fun!

Just in time for Halloween, click here to read the Arizona Law Group’s October Family Law Newsletter. Here is some of what you will find inside this month’s pages. One Man’s Family Goes Camping AZ Style Our newsletter starts off with Don’t Lose Sight of the Forest Through the Trees. Scott’s humorous reflections on…

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Fraud Upon the AZ Court By Fraudulent Paternity Acknowledgment

Arizona fraudulent paternity acknowledgement case summary. Ernest Alvarado v. Hon. Peter A. Thompson, Nicholas Murrietta, Vanessa Raquel Trujillo, Yvette Alvarado The child’s mother and a man who was not the child’s biological father executed a fraudulent paternity acknowledgment. His intention was to get the child outside Arizona’s legal adoption process. This paternity acknowledgement was…

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Mother Awarded Attorney Fees in AZ Child Support Modification Case

Arizona attorney fee award case summary. Richard Clark v. Ann Clark The children’s mother was awarded her attorney fees in this Arizona post-decree child support modification case. The father petitioned to modify the monthly child support amount, which the court did. But he was also assessed the mother’s attorney fees and costs. Father filed…

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September Arizona Family Law Newsletter

This summer went by fast for everyone here. So fast, we barely got our newsletter out on time. But here it is, ready for you to enjoy. Click here to read the September family law newsletter from the Arizona Law Group. What’s Inside? Scott David Stewart penned his thoughts on family check-ups (you know,…

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Can I trade Child Support for Parenting Time?

Scott Stewart: The question is, can one parent essentially trade child support for parenting time? Often time we get asked a question of if I give up my parenting time, or maybe one parent offers to not have the other parent pay if they agree not to see the child, or something along those…

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Am I required to pay for my kids extracurricular activities?

Scott Stewart: The question is: are you aware of, or does Arizona have a law that exists, that says that a court can address a child’s extracurricular expenses, and how each parent must pay for those? Jennifer: I don’t believe there is a specific statute that deals with extracurricular activities. I think that there…

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Do the child support Guidelines apply if the parents live together?

A common question our Arizona divorce lawyers hear is, “Do I have to pay child support if we live together?” or “does child support stop if the parents live together?” or “does my boyfriend have to pay child support if we live together?”   Child Support With Parents Living Together Scott Stewart: The question…

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Wife Waited too Long to Enforce AZ Spousal Maintenance Order

Arizona spousal maintenance enforcement case summary. Gene R. Ames v. Julie L. Ames This case concerns a former wife’s delayed attempts at collecting spousal maintenance arrearages under Arizona law. (Spousal maintenance is similar to alimony.) Waiting too long to seek court enforcement of a spousal maintenance order could result in being forever barred under…

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AZ Custody Statute Bars Mother’s Request for Relocation Modification

Arizona child custody modification case summary. Kamen Rae Murray v. Sean Noel Patrick Murray In this Arizona child custody modification case, the divorced parents had a recently-modified parenting time order. Only one month under the modified order, the mother proposed a move-away to Nevada. She intended to remarry and permanently relocate with the children….

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Dividing Family Pets As Property in Arizona Divorce

In every divorce, there will be some emotionally challenging decisions. One of those decisions revolves around determining the future of the family’s pets. With children, negotiating a parenting plan naturally gives rise to questions about living arrangements for the family dog, cat, horse, bird, rabbit, or hamster. Even where there are no minor children,…

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Order of Protection

Family law cases, especially divorce and child custody cases, can be extremely emotional. Consequently, they often create a very turbulent time for the parties and their children. Everyone’s reactions to the distress of divorce differ, but most people experience some feelings of anger, frustration, anxiety, sadness, grief, and mild depression. Sometimes it may take…

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Can You Spy on your Spouse in a Divorce?

Certain forms of electronic eavesdropping are prohibited by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) and the Stored Wire and Electronic Communications Act, together known as the ECPA of 1986. The ECPA updated and clarified the Federal Wiretap Act of 1968, which was the original wiretapping ban enacted to protect a person’s privacy when using…

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