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Can a Police Officer Search Your Phone Without Permission?
It’s easy to think of the police as all-powerful, but do they have the right to search your cell phone without permission? While it’s important to remain respectful, and under Arizona law, you must comply with an officer’s requests to roll down your window during a traffic stop, supply your name, and show ID,…
Understanding Arizona’s Alimony Laws
Alimony is one of the most hotly contested issues in Arizona divorce, often far more so than the equitable distribution of marital assets and even child custody. Alimony—also called spousal support or spousal maintenance—tends to generate powerful emotions in a situation that may already be volatile. No matter what side of the issue a…
Why is Asset Protection So Important in a Divorce?
Like many states, Arizona is a community property divorce state. In a community property state, divorcing spouses must equitably divide all marital property in a manner that’s fair if not strictly 50/50. The way the spouses or the judge divides the entirety of the couple’s property depends on when and how they acquired each…
Can You Get a Job on House Arrest?
In Arizona, some non-violent offenders are eligible for house arrest rather than incarceration in a state or county facility. In most cases, the inmate begins their sentence in jail or prison before becoming eligible for house arrest. House arrest—or home detention—occurs after a conviction and requires the convicted individual to remain at home to…
When Can You Seek Probation Instead of Jail Time in Arizona?
Many criminal charges in Arizona come with stiff penalties, including time in county jail or prison. Probation is always a more favorable option for a defendant than incarceration. With this alternative to incarceration for a criminal conviction, you can return to your community and remain there as long as you adhere to the rules…
Can You Lose Your Driver’s License on Your First DUI in Arizona?
Everyone makes mistakes, but drinking with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 or over in Arizona is a serious mistake with significant repercussions. While most people charged with a DUI have immediate—and reasonable—fears of spending time in jail, the shame and stress of a trial, and the financial consequences of their arrest, for…
Can You Lose Your Driver’s License on Your First DUI in Arizona?
Everyone makes mistakes, but drinking with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 or over in Arizona is a serious mistake with significant repercussions. While most people charged with a DUI have immediate—and reasonable—fears of spending time in jail, the shame and stress of a trial, and the financial consequences of their arrest, for…
What Happens if You Violate Probation for a DUI?
Driving under the influence of alcohol or other substances is a serious offense in Arizona, with mandatory jail time of 10 days or more even for a first offense. Often DUI convictions result in probation for a period of time following the conviction. During the probation period, you may have to complete hours of…
Can Your Trucking Employer Sue You For Getting a DUI?
Being charged with a DUI is a frightening experience. Finding yourself charged, booked, undergoing mandatory blood or urine testing, and held in a cell until your citation is issued is a humbling experience that only worsens when the results of the blood test end in an official DUI charge and arraignment date. Facing Arizona’s…
What is a Rule 69 Agreement?
What is a Rule 69 Agreement in Arizona? When dealing with divorce or child custody cases in Arizona, parties can utilize a Rule 69 Agreement. A Rule 69 Agreement allows the parties to settle some or all of their disputes privately, leaving only the unresolved issues to be resolved by the family law court….