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Navigating Custody and the Holiday Season
As the holidays approach, it can be challenging to want to share custody of your children. Disagreements over custody around the holidays are common, even when parents are able to co-parent effectively for most of the year. This is especially true if one parent plans a special trip or other activities with the child…
Divorced Parents and Navigating FAFSA
If you’re reading this in the fall or winter seasons, it’s likely that parents all around the country are scurrying about college campuses, attending long information sessions, and collecting stacks of pamphlets. These tasks can be time-consuming, but they pale in comparison to the stress of applying for financial aid. In order to…
What to Know About Student Loan Debt and Divorce
Those going through a divorce often stress over their ex’s student loan debt. However, it may be a relief for you to know that if your ex took out the loan before your marriage, he or she will probably be held accountable for the debt following divorce. When loans are taken out during a…
Planning to Pay for College After Divorce
Most parents appreciate the value of their children’s university, college, or trade school education. However, due to the fierce competition in today’s labor market, those without formal education or training beyond high school often find themselves at a severe disadvantage while looking for work. Therefore, even if you intend your child to pursue something…
Do I Need Permission to Change My Child’s Last Name in Arizona?
Concerns over the children’s last names are rather common. It’s a lot more common when the parents aren’t married and already have a child. Suppose the parents are divorced or legally separated at the time of the baby’s birth, and the mother chooses to give the infant her last name. In that case, the…
Will Marijuana Use Impact Child Custody?
Arizona Prop 207, which allows adults over the age of 21 to legally possess and use marijuana for recreational purposes, was approved by voters in 2020. Now those over the age of 21 can possess and use marijuana without the fear of prosecution. Arizona residents are now allowed to visit a registered dispensary and…
To Keep or Sell the Family Home: A List of Pros and Cons
The house is one of the most contentious issues in a divorce. Homeownership is important in a couple’s finances and might mean a lot to one spouse who is financially dependent on the other. Furthermore, the residence may have considerable emotional significance for one or both spouse. After all, you bought it when you…
Your Quick Guide to Military Divorces
Arizona does not have a separate set of rules for military divorces, but there are additional guidelines that must be followed when one spouse is deployed or lives in a different city. Military couples can still get a divorce while one person is serving elsewhere, but the process may be significantly delayed. Because of…
Child Custody Evaluations: A List of What to Know
Child custody evaluations are a frequent occurrence. Nonetheless, despite their commonality, it may be a highly nerve-racking struggle for a parent. To alleviate those worries and provide sufficient preparation for the process, parents should gather information about custody evaluations and their impact on child custody proceedings. Child Custody Evaluation 101 In general, a child…
5 Divorce Mindset Strategies Your Lawyer Wants You to Know
Support is key In general, guilt arises from the feeling that you failed to fulfill a commitment to a loved one, failed to keep your half of the bargain, or overlooked a vital element that may have changed the outcome. Guilt is frequently the outcome of believing you should have done more or doing…