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When Can You Seek Probation Instead of Jail Time in Arizona?
Many criminal charges in Arizona come with stiff penalties, including time in county jail or prison. Probation is always a more favorable option for a defendant than incarceration. With this alternative to incarceration for a criminal conviction, you can return to your community and remain there as long as you adhere to the rules…
What Happens if You Violate Probation for a DUI?
Driving under the influence of alcohol or other substances is a serious offense in Arizona, with mandatory jail time of 10 days or more even for a first offense. Often DUI convictions result in probation for a period of time following the conviction. During the probation period, you may have to complete hours of…
Can Your Trucking Employer Sue You For Getting a DUI?
Being charged with a DUI is a frightening experience. Finding yourself charged, booked, undergoing mandatory blood or urine testing, and held in a cell until your citation is issued is a humbling experience that only worsens when the results of the blood test end in an official DUI charge and arraignment date. Facing Arizona’s…
Can No Trespassing Signs Prevent Police Entry?
People in the United States, including Arizona residents, expect a right to privacy within their own property. The wording of the U.S. Constitution expressly forbids police officers from conducting “unreasonable” search and seizure, which means they cannot enter private property without a warrant. However, for centuries, court cases have attempted to define the parameters…
Spousal Privilege in Arizona
In Arizona, spouses are treated differently when it comes to courtroom testimony compared to unrelated individuals. The marriage contract between two parties is a legal contract as well as an emotional bond. Arizona considers this bond a privilege when it comes to testifying in both criminal and civil cases. Just as in other privileged…
ARS 13-2923 Arizona’s Stalking Law
Generally stalking can be defined as actions or conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable individual to experience varying degrees of fear. In a recently conducted study by The U.S. Department of Justice, stalking victims were classified if they responded to any of the following behaviors: Receiving multiple unsolicited texts…